Sunday 26 January 2014

23 Dot Poo Kolam

Kolam (drawing designs at the entrance of the house) is very famous in South India. Kolam is called as Rangoli in Maharastra, Muggulu in Andra Pradesh, Hase in Karnataka and Chowk Poorna in Uttra Pradesh. Kolam is a tradition followed not only to decorate the entrance of the house but also as a food to provide to the small creatures like Ants, Birds, etc., that’s why the kolam maavu is made of rice flour.

Kolam is usually drawn at the entrance during the sunrise and sunset. Woman gets up early morning before the sunrise sweeps the entrance, sprinkles the water mixed with cow dung to set the mud and draws Kolam. If you look at the other side of it, it is an exercise by itself where one needs to bend, stretch legs and hands to draw Kolam and as we all know the fresh air in the early morning is very good for health.

We can see beautiful and colourful kolam in South India during Pongal, Deepavali, New Year and margali month festivals.

People will use natural colour powder, flowers to decorate and to add more beauty to the Kolam, but nowadays people uses artificial colours to fill the Kolam. Please avoid and follow the traditional way. 

In the modernized world we are missing the Kolam it has been replaced with ready stickers and paints. Muddy sand floor replaced the tiles and cement floor.

Please preserve our tradition may I request Dear Mom's teach children about Kolam and other tradition to past it on to the future generation.

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